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Residential A/C Service Training

Location: 5002 Speedway Drive
Fort Wayne, IN

The class will cover proper A/C servicing and troubleshooting techniques. This class is for all techs and installers. It is geared to help shorten the time on a job site by helping them with a systematic way of checking out the system and to eliminate backtracking a problem.

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, April 19
Download Registration Form

  • Light dinner and drinks will be provided.
  • Cost for this training session is $40.00 per person.
  • 4:00-8:00pm Local Time
  • 4 NATE CEU Hours.
  • Carrier Distributor Trg 4 credit hours.

Please note we will be moving into our new building in mid-March. It is the former Grainger building located at 5002 Speedway Drive.